Tag Archives: Warren Brown

Reflections on Indie Authorship from Warren Brown

Warren Brown

Warren Brown

A special thank you to Warren Brown for this guest post on what it is to be an indie author…

The First Story Which Made an Impact on My Creativity

The first story I read which made an impact on me was “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson. The story was filled with action, adventure and suspense. I always look for adventure and excitement in the books I read. This has in turn made me want to keep my readers gripped from the beginning of my stories as well.

Writing Influence

My Dad is a writer. He had a great influence on my writings.
I grew up in Calcutta, India and being of British-Indian (mixed-race) origin, it has also had a major influence on my writings.

I belong to the Anglo-Indian or Eurasian community, which originated in India over 400 hundred years ago, when British and European soldiers and merchants married and had affairs with Indian women. The children of these unions came to be known as Eurasians or Anglo-Indians.
The Anglo-Indian community is the only race in India whose Mother-tongue is English, who have a British Ancestor on the male side of the family and who are Christian by faith. The Anglo-Indian community in India has declined in numbers over the years.


The Writer’s Journey

I first started writing poems, research articles and blogging, when I was seventeen years old. It is now 30 years since I have been writing and publishing on the web.

The Art of the Book Cover

The cover needs to reflect the essence of the story in my opinion. Cover design is an art, which I am still learning about. The cover should be able to generate interest in the mind of the reader. The cover is the first visual hook which the readers sees even before the title. The title comes next in the reader’s view and mind.

The Importance of Social Book Marketing

I use my blogs and my author website to do my book marketing, as well as the usual social bookmark sites on the web. I even have an e-newsletter to keep my readers updated on my writings. Twitter is now my favourite social site for spreading the word about my writings. I find Twitter very useful as there are so many authors who offer other authors support and encouragement with their writings.


The Story behind “Travelman”

My latest book “Travel Man” is based on the freedom of the imagination which we all have, but which remains hidden. In the case of the character in the book, his mind and his vivid imagination play an important role in his survival.

Human imagination does have a very active role to play in our lives, but it possesses the power to change our lives and the history of mankind.

An Indie Author on Amazon Kindle Publishing

I enjoy the freedom of indie publishing. I am able to have full control over almost every aspect of getting my work published and ready for my readers to enjoy. I like the speed and the extensive outreach of writing and indie publishing. I have so many ideas for the future and I feel that indie publishing gives me the freedom I need to express my creativity.

I publish my short stories, novellas and novel on Amazon Kindle publishing. I give my books free to readers, which has helped me to grow my reader base. I promote my books on Twitter and other social sites.


The Greatest Joy of Writing and Publishing

My greatest joy of writing and publishing is that I have the opportunity to give life to my ideas and to express my creativity. Completing and publishing a book is an exhilarating experience for me, every time.

Treasure Your Readers

Every artist needs someone to appreciate his or her work. My fans are most important to me and I owe it to them to keep on writing and publishing more exciting and thrilling books for them. Thank you fans for liking my work.

The Storyteller Series

The Storyteller is an adventure fantasy series about a man who discovers that he possesses the powers of Story, with the ability to craft and weave stories to fight crime.


On Becoming an Author and an Entrepreneur

Every author needs to become an Entrepreneur. I have always been interested in advertising and marketing. This has got be involved in blogging and promoting my books on social media. My strategy is that I first write and publish my books, after which I spend one week doing social media promotions on sites like Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

I have also joined a number of author sites on which I promote my published books. I enjoy writing, publishing and marketing. I wish that I could publish one or two books a month. With the help of Amazon kindle publishing, I can now publish more than one short story a month, which is just fantastic for any author.

Website: http://www.warren-brown.com




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© Warren Brown 2017

All https://blog.polishedpublishinggroup.com guest posts from before 2017 were included in Diary of an Indie Blogger VOL 1 which can be downloaded from AmazonKobo, or E-Sentral free of charge. All other guest posts from the original PPG Publisher’s Blog have been moved here: https://polishedpublishinggroup.com/category/guest-bloggers/.
You might consider syndicating this content on your own blog. If you do, make sure to attribute the original source so neither of us gets dinged on the SEO front. You can do that by including this line at the bottom of the article: This content first appeared on the PPG Publisher’s Blog and has been republished here with permission.